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OXIRA 香港新聞


食環署副署長黃淑嫻在W Hotel巡視餐廳的通風系統及我們的OXIRA空氣淨化機

今年四月二十日,食環署副署長黃淑嫻在W Hotel巡視餐廳的通風系統及我們的OXIRA空氣淨化機,了解到OXIRA細小而強大的殺菌效能。

OXIRA 已被列入為符合食環署規定的名單。

FEHD Deputy Director inspected OXIRA installed in W Hotel at the Elements

Earlier this year on 20 April 2021, FEHD Deputy Director Miss Diane Wong went to inspect the ventilation system and our OXIRA air purifier at the restaurants in W Hotel, and learnt about the compact but powerful germicidal performance of OXIRA.

OXIRA is listed and approved by FEHD.

OXIRA air purifier at the restaurants in W Hotel, compact but powerful germicidal performance of OXIRA.
食環署副署長黃淑嫻在W Hotel巡視餐廳的通風系統及我們的OXIRA空氣淨化機

Contact OXIRA Hong Kong

+852 2887 5889


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