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OXIRA 香港新聞


貓科及犬科冠狀病毒及瘟熱病毒 - 0.1秒內殺滅99.9%


不過,有小動物的朋友不用擔心家裡的小毛孩被傳播了,因為OXIRA可以輕易殺滅所有空氣傳播的病毒及細菌,包括很多人都擔心死亡率很高的狗瘟病毒(Canine Distemper)及貓瘟病毒(Feline Distemper),長年保持你家裡的空氣潔淨無菌。

OXIRA 也於香港及世界多個地區的獸醫醫院廣泛使用

Feline and Canine Coronavirus and Distemper Viruses – 99.9% sanitised in 0.1 second

Over the past 2 years, did you notice that even you work from home and avoid going out, you and your pet still occasionally get sick? This is because airborne viruses can enter your home through doors, windows and drainpipes.

You don’t need to worry anymore, because OXIRA can easily kill all airborne viruses and bacteria, including the high mortality Canine Distemper and Feline Distemper viruses, keeping air in your home safe and sanitised all year round.

OXIRA is also chosen by many veterinary hospitals in Hong Kong and in other parts of the world.

For more information, contact OXIRA Hong Kong

+852 2887 5889


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